Vendor Sign Up

Work with us, and be connected with customers right from the start.

It’s simple: We match customers directly to you based on their budget and your profile. Engaged couples will see how well you fit their own needs, which means our program screens out ‘tire kickers’—and lands you solid leads.

Plus, as a Premier Partner, you can view individual wedding profiles and communicate directly with the couple.

There’s quite a bit more to share as we begin our rollout. We invite you to fill out the vendor contact form, so you’ll qualify for a special launch program. Or, if you just want to be notified when we launch, simply fill in your email address and we’ll be in touch.

A final note: For national and multi-market partnerships, we have programs specifically designed with you in mind.

To find out more, please email Nick at

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© TwoGoldRings, Inc 2016